
Day 2

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

Wake up call.  I woke up and headed straight to the fitness center to get a nice jog in.  However, with the way the boat was rocking, I couldn't exactly run very well.  So I decided to just jump on the stationary bike.  After the workout, I headed back downstairs to put my swim suit on.

I went back up to the fitness center, grabbed a towel and went toward the sauna.  When I opened the door, I was greeted by a "rather charming" man, who quickly told me to watch my step and quickly shut the door.  He didn't want the heat to get out.  Then he must have thought I was 10, because he decided to tell me how a sauna works and informed me that it would get hot in there.  I decided to get out of there and go to the whirlpool instead.  There, I ran into Chewbacca's grandfather.  He kept grunting and pointing at things, but I didn't quite know what he wanted.  I only sat in there for about 5 minutes, because he started stretching, which meant that we may or may not try to finish me off. 

As I toweled off, he decided to speak English to me, "Young man (I hate when old people call me "young man"), are you using my towel?"  "No sir, I got my own."  He then continued with, "It's ok if you use it.  Next time you need to go into that room over there and get your own."  A. I did bring my own towel….B. I wanted to drop kick Chewy….not really, but come on, am I freakin' 8 years old.  I will say, about 98% of the people on board are above the age of 65.  It's the KLUV Reunion tour, whatever that means. 

Went and grabbed some breakfast with the family.  We then just wandered around the ship aimlessly. 

I grabbed the copy of "Forgotten God" and got my read on.  I read about the Holy Spirit, and how we should not use the excuse, "I'm waiting for God's will for my life," as an excuse.  In fact, using this can become a cop out and lead to disobedience, because we might be avoiding what the Holy Spirit has for us today.  More on this later, when I can find my journal.

Went to a wine tasting with Brant and Dad.  It was pretty fun, we got to taste some pretty good wines, and some not so special wines.

Went to the Captain's Dinner.  I had the Filet of Beef and some other delicious food.  Afterward, Brant, Cassi and I went down and saw this horrible comedian.  I'm glad we left early. 

I'm writing this post as I watch a horrible tv show.  I might go ahead and call it quits for the night.  We port in Cozumel tomorrow morning, and we are headed to a pretty sweet beach for some fun in the sun and some great food.  Good night.

1 good games:

Rob Martino said...

A. Good use of A./B. response. B. Keep up the good work.