
selfish, not shellfish

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

I got freakin' owned yesterday, and my pride was completely shot down. Thank God. I was acting so selfish and I finally got called out on it. I know it wasn't easy for Rob to get at me like that, but that's exactly what I needed.

I know it's not just my house, but I felt like since I was working on certain tasks then Rob should go and do other things to help and get ready for the new roommates. Here's where my filth comes out. Something inside of me always assumes that when someone is trying to help out with something, then they must just be trying to undermine me. But who am I? HA...what a weird thought. Anyways, to keep it simple I had started on tasks such as cleaning the kitchen, the garage and sorting out other crap in the house. When Rob came to help out, I got flustered and annoyed. Oops...my bad. However, in my mind he was just trying to do it because he could do it better. If you'll try to follow me, I'll show you how messed up my thinking is.

I figured that it wasn't fair for Rob to enjoy the spoils of my labor, because I had been busting it to try and complete these tasks. Instead of me seeing him as a brother trying to help out, I saw him as a hindrance. I didn't want to give him the credit of helping out.

I'm reminded of a story called, "The Little Red Hen." You may know it. The Hen wants to plant some wheat, then cut it down and make some bread with it. Then she asks, "Who will help me do these tasks in order to make some bread." Nobody wanted to help. Now, when the Hen finally made the bread all of the other animals came around ready to chow down. OOPS...the hen wasn't having this. She decided since nobody wanted to spend the time laboring over this project, then she was the only one that would eat the bread.

This may be true in life, that we should naturally feel like since we accomplished something we should be the only ones that enjoy the glory. The only problem we run into is that Jesus Christ isn't that way at all. See, we actually aren't capable of doing anything without Him. And on top of that, we are so selfish that we expect Him to give us everything. Even though we don't deserve it, He did give us everything...through the cross. If we truly desire to live in Godliness, we must walk the path that Jesus did.

So, I realized that even though I wanted to enjoy the credit of these tasks, it was God that deserves the glory for me to even be able to walk around in order to complete these tasks. Even harder to believe, but still true, He deserves the glory when we aren't able to complete these tasks.

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