

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

What an incredible weekend. The lake was so much fun. The ride back was the most beneficial. I was able to catch up with a friend that I haven't necessarily had the best relationship with in the past. However, in his words, "It's awesome how God will sanctify relationships like this." Stubbornness will usually make me hold back from mending these relationships, because I'm comfortable where I am. However, only the power of the Holy Spirit can penetrate my barricaded heart and break these walls down. I am so thankful for the friendship that I feel has sprouted from this seemingly hopeless acquaintance.

The best part about it, to me, is that I see a lot of myself in him. I can see that where he was, is not too far from where I can be sometimes and definitely am trying to fight against. Fear of man, stubbornness, and anger all follow me around like a mosquito. It gets so annoying, and I seem to never really get the best of it. It only gets the best of me.

So, through the bond that we now share, I can see that I may learn a lot from him. I am so thankful that the Lord has provided us both a way to put aside our differences and move forward together, toward sanctification.

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