
It's a heart issue

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

Tuesdays seem to always be the most encouraging day for me. Whether it's through men's bible study, or the fact that between the hours of 7:30 and 12:30 I get to have a little bit of alone time. This morning I was invited over for coffee by a friend. Oh Honduran coffee, you are incredible. I digress. This is the 1st time that he and I were actually able to sit and get to know each other a little bit. Through the conversation I got to hear some things that he deals with, that is very similar to struggles in my life. Now, something that I've heard my whole life is, "It's a heart issue." This of course referring to the fact that all of our fears, anger, hate, etc. have to do with how our hearts are. This morning it finally, through the Holy Spirit speaking through this friend, I finally got a glimpse of what this meant.

Our behaviors aren't what we should be repenting from. Yes, we should stop doing these things. However, when I run to _________ (sinful act) because it makes me feel good, then really I am placing this thing at a higher level than God. A question, from a counselor, that was posed to this friend was this, "If you were to tell God that you placed this thing above Him, what would He say?" My friend decided not to answer, and the counselor said that God's response would be, "I know you do." This blew my mind. I spend so much time being ashamed to admit to God something that He already knows. I place things above Him daily and try to hide that from Him.

Back to the behavior part for a bit. Ever get that feeling that once we master a certain behavior that our sin comes out in other areas? As a man, we can all admit that lustful thoughts plague us continually. Now, even when this is not attacking me I can be honest in saying that other ways to sin come out. I can become angry for no reason, or I can feel jealous towards someone. These are all issues that really come from a deeper issue, pride. This is the sin that I should be repenting from. This sin puts ourselves higher than Jesus Christ, and this is no way to live. So, I encourage you to search deep. Look for those behaviors that are sinful, and find what the deeper issue is.

Remember, God loves His children. Here is a reminder of God's love for us even when we are at our worst. Hosea 3:1-5.

Hosea Redeems His Wife

1 And the Lord said to me, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins.” 2 So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley. 3 And I said to her, “You must dwell as mine for many days. You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you.” 4 For the children of Israel shall dwell many days a without king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or household gods. 5 Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and they shall come in fear to the Lord and to his goodness in the latter days.

1 good games:

denisie power said...

Hey. I'm so glad you came over last night! We always love a good DB visit! Do it again soon?? We love you!