

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

I'm finding it difficult to pray about something very specific right now. Tomorrow Matt will find out what's in his head, that caused him to have a seizure. As I write this, I find myself wondering exactly how to pray for joy, even if that means that there might be grief involved. Though I don't find it wrong to pray for healing, it has to be my prayer that God be most glorified in any situation. There could quite possibly be some very difficult news tomorrow, but it is still true that God is the same as He has always been and will always be. He is still the strength of my heart and my portion forever. He is still the everlasting joy in my life. He is still the God of this universe and His kingdom will never be shaken. He is all I need.

As I was reminded today by Lauren Chandler,

The Sunday before the "event," I opened my Bible intending to study a specific text in John. When the pages fell open, the title page of the book of Job stared me squarely in the face. I'm not normally one to play the magic eight ball game with the Bible but I'm also not one to believe in mere coincidence. The Lord--in His sure presence--was readying my heart. He was reminding me that nothing, absolutely nothing, can happen to Matt, the kids, other loved ones, or me without first passing through His hands. Satan had to ask permission to sift Job. The prince of this world is but a pawn in the Lord's plan. (The Chandlers)

Lord, I trust you...

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