

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

No, this isn't a post about the new t.v. show that everybody is talking about. I'd really like to share with you how amazed I am about the different communities in which I'm involved in Denton. I've definitely enjoyed the time I have with my Home Group over the past few months. There seems to be a strong sense of unity growing there. I can't wait to spend a lot more time with these people. The other group that has recently started to take root is the PM Bravo Connections team. At first, we were this group of people that met every other Sunday to greet at the 5 and the 7:15 service. It was great, but was still lacking a togetherness that could really make serving more. 2 of the girls, Taylor and Hillary along with their roommate Mandy, took the time to have us over for lunch today so that we could get to know each other more. This little community within the church is just a glimpse of how the Village operates, people getting into each others lives in order to be able to encourage one another towards the Lord.

I feel so blessed right now to have this many new friendships, and I can't wait for the times to come.

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