
Fasting & Feasting

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

Bible study was incredible today. During the video, John Piper was talking about fasting and feasting. A popular thought of this world is, "why did God make bread if it was going to be such a stumbling block for some of us?" I've even wondered that myself of other things. Why would things be put on this earth that would cause us to fall? However, God made bread so that through we might understand what it means to hunger for Him, the Bread of Life. And water was created so that we might know that we would never have to thirst again once we tasted the Living Water.

Now, I have known that fasting is typically a complete denial of food or other things for a day or so, in order that we might learn to rely on Him. However, I have never heard the term fasting being a "self-denial" in this process. This is a way different idea than "bread-denial." Self-denial means that I have recognized "_____" as an idol in my life and in order for me to see more of God, I will cut this off in order to deny myself which will MAKE me trust in Him.

Next, can we really desire things other than God? Easy answer, "No." I choose to take a different path. God is our desire, let's start with that. God also before the beginning of the earth knew us, and who he was creating. He knew that one day I would love to watch hockey, listen to music and have great conversations with friends. Is it then wrong to desire these things? I believe that if these are the things that God has created in order for me to find more of Him, then there is nothing wrong with desiring them. The hard part is that we have to remember that we shouldn't desire Hockey, exclusively. We should desire Hockey so much because we know that in doing so we are pursuing the Lord. Because initially I don't turn on the T.V. when a hockey game is on because I'm going to find God in it. Lord change my heart so that I may desire you more than all of these things, and more, and that I can truly find you in the things that I desire.

2 good games:

The Longs said...

Preach it brother Barnes....you always speak the truth. We miss seeing you around. Skype soon!

Tim said...

57 has spoken! Seriously man, good stuff. Keep on the narrow.