
I cannot focus

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

I'm sitting here at the SBUX, waiting for 2 o'clock to come around. I have a final exam for Microeconomics. I feel like this exam is going to be a breeze, and I really don't know what else to study. Should I just go for a walk or something? What else can I do to prepare? Maybe I'll just get loaded up on coffee, then run to the school....it's only 5 miles or so...I think.

I'll make a list, top ten Dave songs:
And since I'm tired right now, these are in no particular order, except for #1...that one will always be #1 to me.

  1. Ants Marching
  2. Lie In Our Graves
  3. Crush
  4. Pig
  5. Tripping Billies
  6. Crash
  7. Bartender
  8. Two Step
  9. Warehouse
  10. #41

Until then...

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