
Identity In Espresso

Scribbled by Darrell Barnes

I heard this exchange of words today:

C-Hey, how are you?
G-Good, I'll be doing better once I get this coffee in me.
C-What do you drink in the morning?
G-Triple Venti White Mocha
C-I'm a triple myself

Not to say that we can't have favorites (favorite drink, sports teams, car), but how far should we take this? I'm in the camp that we need to be more cautious of how we decide to let ourselves be identified.

I'm not immune to the things that identify me other than Christ. Here are a few things that I see in myself that are often who I am, instead of what I enjoy, or do:

  1. Starbucks Barista
  2. Tom Hicks' Bartender
  3. Stars' Fanatic
  4. Genius (haha...not really)
You get the idea. I am willing to say that it is great to be apart of these things, but there needs to be a line between that and identification through these things.

Thoughts? I'd love to hear some feedback on this one.

2 good games:

Tim said...

It can be kind of a funny idea can't it. Identifying yourself based on such a trivial thing. Ultimately though, I mostly see this conversation as a way to relate to someone else in a context that is mutual. To me it's the same as meeting someone who plays the same sport as you and then telling them what position you play as a matter of relating...like saying "I'm a goalie too."

I think the important thing is that we know who we are at night when we lay our heads down, and that if the conversation goes further than your coffee preferences, for example, then maybe you take the opportunity to let them know who you really are beyond your coffee preference.

Can you see that conversation going like this:

C-Hey, how are you?
G-Good, I'll be doing better once I get this coffee in me.
C-What do you drink in the morning?
G-Triple Venti White Mocha
C-I love Jesus.

Darrell Barnes said...

I see your point. Understanding that there is common ground is great for conversation.